Remembering Old Loves

I’m not talking romantic loves. I’m talking about things I used to love to do but no longer do.

Like I used to be super active in the writing community. I used to make weekly videos about writing and planning and stuff. I used to do all this stuff that I really like doing, but somehow can’t find time for it anymore. Back then, I was working at a gas station and had even less time than I have now. But somehow, I managed it. So, I’m trying to figure out how I did it and how I can recapture that.

Because I do miss making vlogs and hanging out with writers in chats and Discord and on YouTube.

Somehow the beginning of 2024 has become some kind of introspective sort of thing for me. I’ve been thinking a lot about what I used to do and what I want to do and how I can sort of marry those two. Maybe it’s because I’ve been trying to bring streaming and writing together a bit more. I’ve been trying to create one cohesive brand instead of one for streaming and one for publishing, and I think that’s caused me to think a lot more about the things I used to do and don’t do anymore.

Anyway, these are my random thoughts today. I just thought I’d share a little of the crazy thought process in my head right now. I’m not saying that the vlogs are going to return immediately, btw. But they are things that I’m thinking about and might revisit at some point this year.

Right now, it’s enough to be writing regularly and streaming consistently. Those two are the important foundations of getting where I want to be and they’re what I’m going to focus on for right now. It would be nice to get back into audiobook recording again, but that’s a big time commitment, and currently, it’s just something that I don’t have the time to do.

We’re just going to take 2024 one day at a time, one step at a time and see what comes of it.


Finding inspiration in weird places


Admin things